The Shape of … Acceptance

Acceptance is the ability to assent or agree to the reality of a situation or a person without trying to change anything.  Easier said than done!  Perhaps acceptance can be seen as the light to its opposite – resistance, frequently expressed as judgement or as a longing for things to be other than they are.   Acceptance can …

The Shape of … Judgement

Judgement is something we experience in several ways; we may be on the receiving end of the judgement of another, we may be the person criticising someone or we can judge ourselves through the self-criticism of the inner critic.   Judgement is to a relationship as emotion is to an individual.  It is an alert or a …

Perceptions of Time

Our external measurement of time began with the recognition of the yearly orbit of earth around the sun, along with its daily rotation – an example of one of the many cycles seen in nature. Out of this developed the division of a day using candles, sundials, water clocks, hour glasses, bells, mechanical clocks and …